Prayer intention — English

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Prayer intention

Chapel of our lady of hope

This chapel, built by the afflicled Association of Father Blot, was entrusted to the Holy Spirit Comforter and dedicated to Our Lady of Hope. Faithful to its origins, this place of prayer and welcoming the weakest pursues its mission of intercessor near God. Daily we ask for the Comforting Spirit for all the afflicted, with the following prayer:

Prayer for the Afflicted 
Holy Spirit
who art God and very good Comforter,
deliver us today
from sadness and discouragement.
Preserve forever
all the men of despair
and Christians from lack of faith.
To all, especially to those
who would let themselves be killed
or that a sudden or violent death would take away
give, in your infinite mercy,
the time and the grace of real contrition
and welcome them into your eternal light.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
Help all the afflicted!

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Prayer intention