Our festivals — English

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Our festivals

Celebrate - we always return to our origins, renewing our desire to live in the spirit of a family of unity and communion which is the sign of the Institution.

Celebrating is to remember everything the Lord has done and will still do for us and through us.
It is about finding God, who is Father and Mother.
A God who makes Himself flesh and blood, tears and smiles, injury and scars, in our personal and family history
A God who is present and who walks alongside us throughout history.
A God who lives in our hearts and compels us to realise the dream he has for each of us.
A God who gives us strength in difficult times and who allows us to benefit from brotherly encounters.


15 January : Meeting of Father Duchenne, creator of the union

09 February : Union of the seven Franciscan houses

29 April : Meeting of Mother Louise, creator of the union

30 May : Festival of the Congregation (day of the election of Mother Louise as the first General Superior)

02 August : Our Lady of the Angels, Patron of the Congregation

12 August : Saint Clare of Assisi

04 October : Saint Francis of Assisi

17 November : Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Patron of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis of Assisi

08 December : Immaculate Conception, Queen of the Franciscan Order; on this day we renew the consecration to Mary and our Calling



Patronage of the Virgin Mary: Province/Region/General House