Aims and hopes — English

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Aims and hopes


 We feel that the Holy Spirit opens new paths for us to respond to the challenges that the Church, the Society and our Mission throw at us. Let us dare to make the way. "It’s not enough to have started, you have to continue". (see Mother Louise, January 18, 1860)

We Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady:
• we enthusiastically affirm our charism: UNION AND COMMUNION and we want to make it more and more luminous and visible;

• we assume, with renewed strength, our vocation and consecration, being joyful and happy witnesses that God is our ALL;

• we commit ourselves to continue a journey with the laity who share in our mission and charism;

• we assume the differences between us as a gift, challenge and treasure of the Congregation and thus be able to build the culture of the encounter.

We entrust to Mary, Our Lady of the Angels, and we ask her to keep us under her maternal mantle and show us the way of her Son Jesus. May Saint Francis confirm us on the begun path of simplicity, poverty, minority, peace, joy, hospitality and fra-ternity.