Testimonies — English

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"As the Father has sent me, I am sending you"
(Jn 20.21)

lien d’unité

The love of Christ calls us to adapt ourselves to the needs of places and times. To be where our presence can provide a link to unity and communion is what we are constantly striving for. This is why we travel the world - to serve, to do good, to bear testimony to Love and to glorify the Name of our God.

Following the example of Jesus Christ, we came not to be served, but rather to serve "especially the poor".
(Constitutions fmnd)

“Witnesses to the Love of God, together for Life and Life in abundance”. "That is what we seek. That is what we want", as said Francis of Assisi …The mission lies at the heart of our life. Everything else revolves around this idea."
(Sister Maria Helena General Superior)

Our Congregation history is dotted with those who dare and take a risk. Testimony with the fervour of the apostles, the strength of martyrs, impassioned by His Kingdom… Here are some testimonies.

From yesterday, "Seeds"

Homage in this centenary year of the Province of Argentina for two of its Sisters - the Martyrs of Charity".

To today, "Our mission in Madagascar "

Towards economic self-sufficiency – Sustainable Economy.