Celebration of Saint Francis of Assisi — English

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Celebration of Saint Francis of Assisi

Message from the general council - 2021

Dear sisters,

A new celebration of Saint Francis of Assisi is approaching… A celebration that dresses our hearts with joy, praise and thanksgiving… We  can  say  with Pope Francis:  “LAUDATO SI” !!!

Celebrating this feast is an invitation to let ourselves be touched by the spirit of the Poor of Assisi, it is to renew our following of Jesus, as he lived it, by  following in  His footsteps ...

That in this synodal journey that the whole Church is living, we feel touched by the three words of the Synod: COMMUNION, PARTICIPATION AND MISSION. And may Francis of Assisi, faithful son and lover of the Church, join us in this challenge.

These are the wishes and dreams of the General Council of the FMNS


Celebrating this feast is an invitation to let ourselves be touched by the spirit of the Poor of Assisi, it is to renew our following of Jesus, as he lived it, by  following in  His footsteps ...