The feast of St. Francis of Assisi - 2022 — English

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The feast of St. Francis of Assisi - 2022

Dear Sisters, as the feast approaches of St. Francis of Assisi draws near, we come to you to wish you all a happy feast lived in peace, listeniwg, and fraternal harmony.

"Praised be You, my Lord, for our sister, mother Earth, who sustains and governs us and produces varied fruits with colorful flowers and herbs..." (Canticle of the Creatures)

Dear Sisters, as the feast approaches of St. Francis of Assisi draws near, we come to you to wish you all a happy feast lived in peace, listeniwg, and fraternal harmony.

The Pope tells us in Laudato Si': "Francis is the example par excellence of concern for the fragile and of an integral ecology, lived with joy and authenticity" (LS 10) because "in the greatness and beauty of creatures, we contemplate, by analogy, their Creator" (Wis 13, 5).

That the universality of Love shines through in our being and our acting, in simplicity, and humility, contributing to the construction of a more fraternal society, because we become solid when we become responsible for the fragility of others and capable of dreaming of a common destiny…This effort, lived day after day, is capable of creating that healthy coexistence that conquers misunderstandings, avoids conflicts and exercises goodness on the synodal path that we propose to make as Church.

Peace and Good in a fraternal embrace of your Sisters of the General Council.