About the laudato si’ action platform — English

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About the laudato si’ action platform

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a space for institutions, communities, and families to learn and grow together. You are warmly invited to join this community.

Take care of "our common home"

“To the Lord the earth and its riches, the world and its inhabitants! It is he who founded it on the seas and holds it steady on the waves "(Ps 24: 1)






As part of the sixth year of "Laudato si", we are invited to a conversion of mind and heart that brings us closer to reality, in order to take care of "our common home".

We know that taking care of nature always leads us to a more livable world for the benefit of all. The Vatican Department for Integral Human Development has launched a "Laudato si" action platform that we send you and invite you to consult it. To learn more, in order to participate you must register yourself on the Link below:


This platform is to bring us to take concrete actions towards a better future. "Our goal is not to gather information or satisfy curiosity, but rather to become painfully aware, to dare to transform what is happening in the world into our own personal suffering and thus to discover what each of us can do about it. (LS 19)

We, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, who carry in our DNA all the richness of Franciscan spirituality (Fundamental Const. 2.1), we cannot remain indifferent to the problems which affect our world. Pope Francis affirms: “Saint Francis of Assisi is the best example of the protection of what is weak and of an integral ecology, lived with joy and authenticity». (LS 10)

For this, the Franciscan Family at world-wide level also proposes “A Laudato Si revolution”.

What is the 'Laudato Si Revolution'? It is a global campaign whose objective is to encourage and promote integral ecological conversion, that is, environmental, economic, and social ecology.

The human and social dimension is at the center of this campaign because we wish the values ​​of social and environmental justice, care and respect for creation and intergenerational solidarity to be part of our daily lives. You can also go to the site:


 "Praise and bless my Lord, give Him thanks and serve Him in all humility". (St Francis of Assisi)