Jubilee of Religious Life - Mozambique Region — English

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Jubilee of Religious Life - Mozambique Region

Celebrating 25 years of giving myself to God and to my brothers makes me relive with a heart overflowing with joy and gratitude.

How can I thank the Lord for all that He gives me?





Celebrating 25 years of giving myself to God and to my brothers makes me relive with a heart overflowing with joy and gratitude, my first "Here I am Lord..."; which was made concrete day after day, in living the Gospel in the manner of St. Francis of Assisi, being a witness of union and communion, where our presence is a help.

I enjoy the joy of belonging uniquely to God, who chose me knowing perfectly well my weaknesses and abilities; He has been enabling me according to the rhythm of his unconditional love; according to the rhythm of his time. I enjoy the joy of living my discipleship in fraternity, "a place of celebration and forgiveness", with my older and younger sisters.

These are 25 years of much learning: to begin and to start again; to fall, to get up and to go forward trusting totally in the One who never abandons me: Jesus Christ, the Treasure of my life. These are 25 years of graces upon graces. "How to thank the Lord, for all that He gives me?"

Sister Serafina