Missio Cordis group retreat at the Franciscan sisters — English

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Missio Cordis group retreat at the Franciscan sisters

We are all missionary disciples
(Cf. EG, 119)

A group, by definition, is not just one person. It is a confluence of personalities and ideas around a mobilizing project. Moreover, in order to last and fulfill the function for which it was created, a group, any group, needs to be constantly irrigated with its vital sap. And this whatever the group, whether it is intended for recreational purposes or whether it aims to denounce social emergency situations. This sap is found in sharing, in the fruitful dialogue between its members who compose it. Man being an end in himself and manifesting and projecting this inescapable dignity on each one, the opinions, the ideas, the personality, the sensitivity of each one is an infinitely precious asset and, for this very reason, not negligible when one wants set up a human adventure.

The Missio Cordis group is no exception. It is a chronically unfinished project, always attentive to new contributions and, for this very reason, which is being built gradually. Hence the importance of the countless meetings and conference already held and to be held (but not face-to-face, like a marvel of current technology), privileged moments of sharing. In the logical continuation of these considerations, a particular mention must be made of the retreat which was held with the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Notre-Dame, in Paris, between October 30 and November 1, 2021. It was about a first one that will set the tone for what is to come, because the path is made by walking, the aforementioned retreat, as a moment of individual and collective introspection, was a supreme moment in the construction of his identity. The work that was carried out there, under the theme "missionary disciples", allowed, through the various training conferences, the activities carried out (including those relating to the accomplishment of basic daily tasks) and moments of prayer particularly the mass celebrated on the last day in the crypt), strengthen the cohesion of the group and clarify various aspects. The harvested fruits will certainly be used for the future.


And the next step? See the Missio Cordis group come to life from an administrative point of view through its associative change. More than developing humanitarian activities here or there or denouncing certain situations, what is remarkable is the group's assumption that a transformation through the exercise of reason is vital for the world to become again an habitable place.


The group, future Missio Cordis association, knows that its means are and will be limited, that it will have to face many setbacks and difficulties. Despite this, and within the limits of his abilities, he hopes to be one more seed in the moral reforestation that is required.