Concert in aid of the mission in Haiti — English

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Concert in aid of the mission in Haiti

Chapel of Notre Dame de l'Espérance - Paris

Florence, have these students sing every morning for one of our missions abroad. She gives us her testimony. I have my students sing every  morning  and why I appreciate them singing for one of your foreign missions.

Every morning, I start the class with a short body wake-up time, then breathing, articulation and vocalization. I also take the opportunity to teach them a short prayer song chorus.

After this short vocal time that allowed the class to meet and unite, we pray with one or two intentions and sometimes the life of the saint if I know it or the liturgical season we are beginning. Then the teaching: Math, French, History, Geography.

During the week, I make them sing a lot of songs that they can gesture so they learn the words faster and because they need to move. I always start by having them sing sitting and then standing behind their desk. The children really enjoy this time and find it very recreational. However, I have had some children who have not enjoyed singing. This is quite exceptional, but it happens...

I am very happy that the Community is hosting us at the end of the year because it allows  my students to open up to other realities. Since we are singing for another country, it opens up their world as Parisian students from the 15th arrondissement. This allows me to do some geography, situating the country, the flag, the capital, and then focus on the living conditions of the inhabitants and the essential role of the Sisters for the most disadvantaged.

The day after the concert, families tell me they were absolutely delighted to discover your beautiful chapel, to be so welcomed by each of you, and to get out of school.

I love to sing, I was in a choir since I was 12 years old for many years. Scouting also allowed me to discover the joy of singing. Singing is very unifying, it gives energy and joy.

Florence Chapiron-Pommerol