Formation meeting of the FMOL Sisters - Portugal — English

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Formation meeting of the FMOL Sisters - Portugal


Passing through Portugal, I had the opportunity to participate in the Region's continuing education, from March 18 to 20, under the theme: from ME to WE (Team Thinking day).

About 60 sisters were present on this day which was guided by Dr. Cláudia Telles de Freitas who, in a simple and playful way, reminded us of the importance and richness of the positive relationship in team life: looking at the other, value him and act accordingly, in attitudes, gestures and words, according to Pope Francis:

“Only those who dialogue build bridges and bonds”



Coincidentally, several sisters named Rosa were present. Dr. Cláudia took the opportunity to convey the importance of "living in Rosa", that is, given the situations that arise, we are invited to:

We all enjoyed this day of formation, we decided to try to live in ROSA and we remembered the words of Pope Francis:

"Let us take care of our hearts, for from there come good and evil, that which builds and destroys."

Ir. Gravelina Alves