QUILINO MISSION (Prelature of Deán Funes - Province of Córdoba - Argentina) — English

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QUILINO MISSION (Prelature of Deán Funes - Province of Córdoba - Argentina)

January 22-29, 2023

The Oblate Congregation together with the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady (Sisters María Isabel Cancián and Mávila Nascimento), the Ursuline Sisters and the young people of the Youth Ministry of the Parish of Our Lady of the Quilino Valley are on mission together in the rural area of the Parish.

Mission places: Los Cadillos, Isla de San Antonio, El Tuscal, Agua Hedionda, San José de las Salinas, Lucio V Mansilla.

Our Sisters share their experience with us:

Sister María Isabel Cancián: "The place where I had to go on mission with seven young people and a priest, was called San José de las Salinas, a very peaceful place with very suffering families but who continue with the desire to grow in faith. The chapel has been closed for several years because of the danger of collapse due to an earthquake. The meetings and masses were held in a community room. In the morning we visited families and invited them for the afternoon when the children and adolescents were gathered and then ended with the Eucharist in which the parents also participated".

Sister Mávila Nascimento: "Together with a deacon and 11 young people, we visited families and the sick in El Tuscal, we shared meetings with the children and young people, games and sports activities, celebrations, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, penitential procession to the local cemetery... These were very rich moments of communion in which we were mutually enriched in living the Good News".

The places we visited lacked electricity and water, and the very hot weather made each day a challenge to support ourselves and accompany this reality which is so hard for the local people. It was a strong experience in which we felt the poverty and the lack of the essentials for a dignified life. People of great faith, receptive to the presence of the missionaries, eager to live the spirituality... their testimonies enriched us and nourished our faith.

As we said goodbye, they asked us not to forget them... they are waiting for us again to continue sharing life.


We thank God for so much Good and so much Love shared and celebrated with the missionary group and during the mission days.